Tuesday, September 15: Diversity and Inclusion
[button url=”https://afs.confex.com/afs/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Day/2020-09-15′ target=’blank” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#145593″ color=”#ffffff” size=”10″ center=”yes”]Daily schedule[/button]
The events for this theme day are open to all. Links to join live events will be posted here as well as on the page for each session shortly before the session begins. Attendees who signed up via the form also will be emailed access instructions.
Registered Virtual Annual Meeting attendees: See the daily schedule to add theme day events to your schedule (click the plus signs).
Twitter hashtag: #AFS_DiversityDay
Slack channel: #theme_day_sep15_diversity_and_inclusion
The American Fisheries Society and the AFS Equal Opportunities Section is excited to invite you to join us on Tuesday, September 15 (from 12-5pm EDT) for the Diversity and Inclusion Day of the AFS Virtual Annual Meeting. This opportunity is free access for all those interested. We challenge those in the fisheries profession to “Learn, Engage, and Commit” to increasing diversity and inclusion (DI) in our society. Our primary goals for the day are to become more literate in DI, normalize DI discussions, and create a list of action steps for AFS to take at multiple organizational levels. The live programming begins at 12:00 PM EDT on Tuesday, September 15. Session links will be live during the scheduled times published. Please see the details below.
Please note this offer does not extend to all programming designated for the AFS Virtual Annual Meeting. This offer is only available for those activities hosted by the AFS Equal Opportunities Section. If you’d like to access more of the meeting content, including additional theme days, 37 symposia, 21 contributed paper sessions, and 7 poster sessions at your own convenience and pace. And join us for live events every day such as plenary sessions and featured speakers, theme days, and workshops. You will need to register here: https://afsannualmeeting.fisheries.org/registration/
All Day: Learn About Diversity and Inclusion
This collection of talks is made available as part of the Learn Portion for the 2020 Virtual AFS Meeting – Diversity Equity and Inclusion Day. Talks are meant to share ideas, discuss topics, dispel myths, and help foster constructive conversations among members. You are welcome to use these as a resource in your own communities! (Access Videos Here)
Plenary Talk: Closing the Distance – Our Fears and Opportunities in the Midst of Social Movements and a Pandemic by Dr. Mamie Parker: https://vimeo.com/457820842
12:00 – 1:00 PM Equal Opportunities Section Lunch
Bring Your Own Lunch (or Breakfast) and join leadership from the Equal Opportunities Section for a social hour before the day’s programming kicks off. We will bring introductory remarks and honor our student travel award winners. (Link to Session)
1:00 – 1:30 PM Presentation of the Emmeline Moore Prize Award
The Emmeline Moore Prize Award will be presented to Dr. Ivan Arismendi (Link to Session)
1:30 – 3:00 PM Unconscious Bias Training
Examine your own biases in an Unconscious Bias Training with facilitator Darlene Floyd (Link to Session)
3:15 – 3:25 PM Commit Workshop Introduction (Link to Session)
Work with others to discuss experiences, envision a future career field and national society with greater inclusivity efforts, and help commit to action items to make that vision a reality. Attendees will start in this session before joining the breakout sessions which will be provided in the workshop. At the conclusion of the breakouts, guests will be asked to rejoin this session (using the same link)
5:15 – 6:15 PM Equal Opportunities Section Happy Hours
The day will end with a Happy Hour, where you can continue the conversation with other attendees or join one of our themed rooms. You are welcome to join multiple rooms, but can only attend one session at a time.
- General Room (link to join)
- LGBTQ+ (link to join)
- Women in Fisheries (link to join)
- BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color) (link to join)
- Student and Early Career Professionals (link to join)
Everyone in our society is responsible for making progress on diversity and inclusion. We encourage you and your peers to join us for these important conversations about how we can move the needle forward.
Register by 11:00 am EDT to ensure you directly receive the links to attend directly in your inbox, as well as help us plan for how many people will be in attendance. All links will also be available on our theme day site on September 15th.
[button url=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScPcIzhQmiUABLrHh_cdtCISBQR2qBVsEKZXh5zU4cOXBshfQ/viewform’ target=’blank” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#145593″ color=”#ffffff” size=”10″ center=”yes”]Free registration[/button]
Featured Speaker: Mamie Parker
Dr. Mamie Parker spent nearly 30 years with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), serving as the first African American to head a regional office (Region 5), eventually rising to one of the highest positions in the USFWS: assistant director, fisheries and habitat conservation. Through her dedication and professional service, Dr. Parker has promoted demographic diversity by starting career awareness institutes at Tennessee Tech University (with Don Estes) and within the service to assemble minority students from across the country and teach them about careers in fisheries.
Dr. Parker has a documented list of leadership within the fisheries management. After pioneering the establishment of the USFWS’ National Fish Passage Program, she was introduced into the Arkansas Outdoor Hall of Fame in recognition of her being the first Arkansas citizen to head this program. She was also awarded the USFWS’ highest honor: the Ira Gabrielson Award for Leadership and the Presidential Rank Meritorious Service Award, recognizing extraordinary accomplishment in the Department of the Interior.
Over the course of her career, Dr. Parker has become a prominent spokesperson for minorities in the USFWS and throughout the fisheries profession. She has contributed two book chapters emphasizing the importance of encouraging and mentoring minority students in the fisheries profession and has been a pivotal figure in AFS workshops on diversity in the fisheries profession (last year and this year). Although Dr. Parker is now “retired,” she continues to work tirelessly leading strategic dialogues within the profession on how to best attract and retain a diverse workforce. In 2016, Dr. Parker received the Emmeline Moore Prize from AFS and considered to be one of the most qualified candidates to receive this prestigious award. More recently, Mamie was the 2020 recipient of the Bass Pro Shop Founder, John L. Morris Award in recognition of her lifetime commitment to fish and wildlife stewardship as a citizen conservationist.
Trainer and Facilitator Darlene Floyd
Darlene V. Floyd is a nationally recognized speaker, trainer and consultant. She is a principal and founder of Horizons Management and Training Consultants, LLC located in Alexandria, VA. Horizons is a management resource for organizations in pursuit of excellence. Horizons’ clients include public schools, State and Federal governments, public utilities, not-for-profit organizations, corporate America, colleges and universities. Horizons was the recipient of the National Training Officers Conference Award for Excellence in Training Design for the Diversity Change Agent Program at the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. Prior to Horizons, Ms. Floyd held numerous top-level policy positions in the Federal Government and private industry.
Ms. Floyd has conducted seminars and workshops throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Her audiences range from school children to top executives. Her presentations are thought provoking, enlightening, prescriptive, entertaining and packed full of energy and humor and delivered with enthusiasm. Ms. Floyd has been the speaker at numerous conferences and symposiums. Of note she was an invited presenter at the Global Conference on Managing Diversity at the University of Georgia. She joined others renowned in the area of diversity. She was also a presenter at the General Electric African American Forum Symposium V and VI and the International Marriott Network Group. Ms. Floyd has been the keynote speaker for numerous conferences including: the National IMAGE Conference, the Annual HUD Section 8 Housing Conference, and the Montgomery County First Annual Diversity Showcase. Ms. Floyd was the keynote presenter at EEOC EXCEL Conferences, the Philadelphia Federal Executive Board’s Day of Training and, the Montgomery County Annual Mediation Colloquium on Conflict Resolution; her presentation entitled, “Successful Conversations to Bridge the Divide.”
With over 25 years of experience in the public and private sectors her areas of expertise include: diversity/equity/inclusion, team building, organizational development, emotional intelligence, EEO, leadership and conflict management. Ms. Floyd was formerly a member of the faculty of the George Washington University Contemporary Executive Development Program and Montgomery College Diversity Management Institute. Ms. Floyd is presently on the faculty of Montgomery College and lead instructor for the Chief Science Officer Leadership Program.
Thursday, September 17: Student and Early Career Professional Day
Preparing future scientists of fisheries: how to become a more a-lure-ing candidate
Hosted by the Student and Early Career Professionals Subsection
Updated: Thursday, August 6, 2020
[button url=”https://afs.confex.com/afs/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Day/2020-09-17” target=’blank” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#145593″ color=”#ffffff” size=”10″ center=”yes”]Daily schedule[/button]
Registered attendees: See the daily schedule to add theme day events to your schedule (click the plus signs).
Links to join live events will be visible to registered attendees on the page for each session shortly before the session begins.
Twitter hashtag: ##AFS_StudentECPDay
Slack channel: #theme_day_sep17_student_and_ecp
This workshop is meant to develop some of the skills that students and early career professionals have identified as lacking in traditional curriculums so that we can better prepare our members for a career in fisheries. The workshop will be divided into three sections: (1) the speaker panel on Thursday, September 17th from 10 am to 5:10 pm EDT where professionals from various fisheries career paths within government, academia, and NGOs identify skillsets needed, what employers look for, demands of the career, and tips for success, (2) CV critiques, and (3) mock interviews which will be available throughout the conference.
Mock interviews and CV critiques being offered are designed to help prepare students and early career professionals for a career in fisheries with help of fisheries professionals. Participants will be able to apply for a mock job posting (technician position, graduate assistantship, post doc, state biologist, NGO project manager, or assistant professor) which they can tailor their CV to and/or prepare an interview for. General questions will be asked during the interview, so no skill-based experience is necessary to participate! We ask that participants email us at afsstudent@gmail.com with their resume/CV by 5:00 pm EDT August 14th, 2020 to sign up for a CV critique and/or mock interview. In your email, please include which job posting you would like to be interviewed for (job postings found below) and your availability during September. The bulk of the interviews are planned to be scheduled during the two weeks of the conference (September 14th-25th), however we can work around the interviewee’s/interviewer’s schedules. Interviews will be scheduled by August 21st. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please email us at afsstudent@gmail.com.
Mock interview and CV critique positions:
- Assistantship posting
- Asst Prof posting
- Biologist posting
- NGO posting
- Postdoc posting
- Tech position posting
Workshop Schedule[su_spacer]
[button url=”https://afsannualmeeting.fisheries.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2020/08/Student-Day-Presenters.pdf” target=’blank” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#145593″ color=”#ffffff” size=”10″ center=”yes”]See speaker bios[/button]
- Introduction to workshop
- Careers Workshop
- Federal/State Government – University Partnership Programs (10:00 a.m. – 11:25 a.m. EDT)
- Donna Parrish, USGS Vermont Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
- Pat Mazik, USGS West Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
- Gayle Zydlewski, Sea Grant
- Discussion and panel questions
- Government: State and Federal U.S. and Canadian (11:35 a.m. – 1:35 p.m. EDT)
- Rowshyra A. Castañeda, Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences/Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
- Rebecca Krogman, Iowa Department of Natural Resources
- April Croxton, NOAA Fisheries
- Zach Penney, Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
- Jay Hesse, Nez Perce Tribe’s Department of Fisheries Resources Management
- Discussion and panel questions
- Non-Governmental (2:35 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. EDT)
- Austin Happel, Daniel P. Haerther Center for Conservation and Research, John G. Shedd Aquarium
- Molly Payne Wynne, The Nature Conservancy
- Laura Miller, Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions
- Discussion and panel questions
- Federal/State Government – University Partnership Programs (10:00 a.m. – 11:25 a.m. EDT)
- Student and Early Career Subsection Business Meeting (4:10 p.m. – 5:10 p.m. EDT)
- Student Awards Presentations
- Student Networking Event (6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. EDT)
Escape Room
The AFS Virtual Escape Room is designed to submerse participants into the fisheries world during these virtual and socially distant times. There are 8 multi-level adventures to be completed while racing the clock! These challenges address a wide array of fishery disciplines and experience. Roughly an hour to an hour and a half should be allotted to completing the escape room.
Students and Early Career Professionals will be paired with other participants and given their own video platform to communicate effectively to complete the escape room. Other participants are encouraged but will simply receive the link to the escape room and are expected to provide their own platform and participants.
[button url=”https://afs.confex.com/afs/2020/meetingapp.cgi/ModuleMeetingInfo/EscapeRoom” target=’blank” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#145593″ color=”#ffffff” size=”10″ center=”yes”]Escape Room Sign Up[/button]
Friday, September 18: Climate Change
[su_spacer][su_button url=”https://afs.confex.com/afs/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Session/9664″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#145593″ color=”#ffffff” size=”10″ center=”yes”]Event page[/su_button][su_spacer]
Registered attendees: See the event page to add this event to your schedule (click the plus signs).
A link to join this live event will be visible to registered attendees on the event page shortly before the session begins.
Twitter hashtags: #AFS_ClimateDay and #SaveOurFishClimateStatement
Slack channel: #theme_day_sep18_climate_change
Friday, September 18, 2020
1-3 pm EDT
EDUCATION: Communication to inspire action
- Climate Communication Best Practices
- Climate Ambassador Program Launch
- Students’ Outreach Projects
- Announcing Competition for Outreach Materials
- Kahoot Climate Game – Test your knowledge!
POLICY: From Science to Action
- Aquatic Scientific Society Climate Statement
- Proposed AFS Policy Recommendations
- Congressional Landscape and Conservation Community Engagement
SCIENCE: Research Agendas for Climate Change
- Current Landscape of Fisheries Science and Climate Change
- Key Steps For Climate-Informed Fisheries Management
- Climate Panel Q & A
Monday, September 21: British/European Fisheries
[su_button url=”https://afs.confex.com/afs/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Session/9665″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#145593″ color=”#ffffff” size=”10″ center=”yes”]Event page[/su_button][su_spacer]
Registered attendees: See the event page to add this to your schedule (click the plus sign).
The link to join the live session will be visible to registered attendees on the event page shortly before the session begins.
Twitter hashtag: #AFS_UK+EuropeDay
Slack channel: #theme_day_sep21_uk_and_europe
- Gary Carvalho, President, Fisheries Society of the British Isles, and Research Professor of Molecular Ecology at Bangor University
- Jann Martinsohn, Head of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
- Robert Arlinghaus, Professor of Integrative Fisheries Management, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Humboldt University, Berlin
Threats and opportunities for sustainability in marine fisheries: a European perspective[su_spacer]
Gary Carvalho is Research Professor of Molecular Ecology, based in the Molecular Ecology and Fisheries Genetics Laboratory, Bangor University, UK, and held former positions at Swansea and Hull Universities, UK. He is currently President of the Fisheries Society of the British Isles, member of the Advisory Group to the IUCN Species Survival Commission Specialist Group on Conservation Genetics, member of the Evidence Advisory Group, Natural Resources Wales, and recent Chair of the ICES Working Group on Application of Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture. He has aimed throughout to render genetic concepts and tools more accessible to marine wildlife, fisheries and aquaculture managers, environmental and conservation biologists. Contributions in particular have been to the demography and population structure of wild fish populations by applying molecular genetic approaches. Many studies have dispelled long-held beliefs depicting marine fishes as comprising large, unstructured populations that are slow to react to environmental pressures and exploitation. For example, his work on European anchovies, Atlantic Cod, and Atlantic Herring showed fine scale population structure, that have immediate and important application for the management of the species. Projects on New Zealand snapper, guppies, and cod revealed rapid genetic changes in exploited populations and remain the most cited articles demonstrating rapid evolution in overexploited stocks. Carvalho received the Beverton Medal in 2018 for groundbreaking research in fish and fisheries science. In addition to research, he has taught population genetics and evolution in the context of natural resource management for 30+ years, and was co-convener of the first ICES training course to focus on utility of genetics in fisheries and aquaculture held last year in Portugal. He is a current Editor of Fish and Fisheries and the Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B.
Scientific Advice to the Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union: A Square Peg in a Round Hole?[su_spacer]
Jann Martinsohn is Head (f.f.) of the Water and Marine Resources Unit at the European Commission Joint Research Centre. He and his team focus on scientific advice to European Union (EU) freshwater and marine policies and governance. He contributes in particular to the Common Fisheries Policy and the EU Blue Growth Strategy. His specific interest is to contribute to the European Union Common Fisheries Policy, the Blue Growth Strategy and the introduction of genetic and genomic approaches to marine conservation as well as fisheries and aquaculture management.
After two years of civil service, working as a rescue driver and paramedic and providing individual care for severely disabled people, Jann studied molecular biology specializing in immuno- and evolutionary genetics. He also graduated in marine science while living in New Zealand, where he studied at the “southernmost university of the world” and worked on a deep sea trawler targeting orange roughy, black dory and hoki around the Southern island. Jann holds a diploma in marine science (University of Otago, New Zealand) and a Ph.D. in immunogenetics (University of Cologne , Germany). He was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow in Miroslav Radman’s department of Evolutionary and Medical Genetics at the research faculty of Necker-Enfants Malades (Paris, France), where he worked on in-vivo directed evolution.
Jann has co-organised international conferences, has been steering committee member of acclaimed projects, contributed to FAO fisheries groups as well as scientific support to the European Commission and the European Parliament, and is elected chair of the Working Group on Applied Genetics for Fisheries and Aquaculture (WGAGFA) under the remit of the International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES).
Key challenges for recreational fisheries in central Europe[su_spacer]
Robert Arlinghaus is an interdisciplinary fisheries scientist and professor at Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He is author of over 250 scientific papers, editor of the journal Fish and Fisheries, and recipient of multiple awards, including the medal by the Fisheries Society of the British Isles, the Award of Excellence in Fisheries Management, and the Award of Excellence in Public Outreach by AFS. Twitter: @RArlinghausFish.
Latin America Theme Day: September 22, 2020 1-3 pm (EDT)
[su_button url=”https://afs.confex.com/afs/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Session/9666″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#145593″ color=”#ffffff” size=”10″ center=”yes”]Event page[/su_button][su_spacer]
Registered attendees: See the event page to add this to your schedule (click the plus sign).
This event is open to all – the link to join the live session will be posted on the event page shortly before the event begins.
Twitter hashtag: #AFS_LatinAmDay
Slack channel: #theme_day_sep22_latin_america
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is one of the most diverse regions in the world encompassing a land area of 20,038,832 sq. km. with a human population of at least 646,430,841, more than twice that of the U.S. The LAC covers an extensive region made up of 48 countries and territories from the Bahamas south to Chile and Argentina. The LAC has extensive marine resources in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and some of the largest and most diverse freshwater ecosystems in the world like the Amazon River. The LAC region is also one of the most impacted where we are seeing unprecedented rates of habitat loss, species extinctions, and an overall decrease in vertebrate populations. Climate change, deforestation, oil extraction, mining, dam construction, depletion of aquifers in arid lands, and overfishing are just a few of the many threats to the fishery and aquatic resources in the LAC. The World Bank (2018) reported that over 10,493,944 metric tons of fish were landed for commercial, industrial, recreational and subsistence purposes, twice the amount landed in the U.S. The LAC theme day is a forum for fisheries professionals, students and others to learn about the fisheries issues, management, science, and challenges to conserving fisheries from throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Additionally, we will discuss how fisheries professionals, management and scientists from throughout Latin America and the Caribbean can be greatly enhanced through development of a strong, vibrant and active professional society.
- Introduction and welcome
- Keynote Presentation: Breaking Down Barriers to Fisheries Conservation in the Americas: Challenges and Future Implications, Dr. Felipe Amezcua Martinez*, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mazatlan, Mexico
- Panel Discussion
- Contributed Paper Author Introductions
- Q&A Session
Keynote Speaker
Felipe Amezcua is a research professor at the Institute of Marine Science and Limnology of the National University of Mexico and is based at a station of the Institute in Mazatlan (Gulf of California). He specializes in the ecology of estuarine and coastal fish of the Gulf of California as well as small-scale fisheries. He completed his undergraduate studies in Biology at the Faculty of Science from the National University of Mexico and received his Ph.D. in Marine Biology from the University of Liverpool (UK).
Felipe has extensive experience in the fin fish fauna of the coastal areas of the southeast Gulf of California, and has worked and participated in projects and workshops on conservation, and fisheries management, and regulation with governmental entities in Mexico, as well as with international institutions and organizations such as Ecologists Without Borders, the Federal University of Pernambuco, and others.
His project experience includes research on fisheries and the carrying capacity of reservoirs and estuarine areas to develop management plans; the effects of fisheries on the fish fauna, trophic ecology and ecological connectivity of estuarine areas and the adjacent marine environments; public policy and its relation to sustainable resource use by small scale fishers, and more recently, the use of otoliths and vertebrae to determine migration patterns of fish and sharks, and the presence of microplastics in fish.
He is actively involved with fisheries associations and has served as President of the Mexican Fisheries Society, as well as the Mexico Chapter and the International Fisheries Section of the American Fisheries Society.
Contributed Paper Presentations (recorded in English and Spanish (optional) for viewing):
[su_button url=”https://afs.confex.com/afs/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Session/9663″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#145593″ color=”#ffffff” size=”10″ center=”yes”]See recorded presentations[/su_button][su_spacer]
Location and Removal of Lost Fishing Gear in Puerto Rico: Avoiding Long-term Impacts of Ghost Gear
Raimundo Espinosa*, Conservación ConCiencia, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Identifying What Shark Species Inhabit Puerto Rico’s Waters: A Collaborative Approach to Shark Research and Conservation
Dalyan Lopez* and Raimundo Espinosa, Conservación ConCiencia, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Fish Community Response to Removal of a Low‐head Dam in the Floodplain of the Río Grande de Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Sean A. Locke and Johann Cancel, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
A Citizen Science Approach to Enhance Dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) Data Collection to Improve Science Management
Wessley Merten*, Dolphinfish Research Program, Beyond Our Shores Foundation, U.S.
Synergistic collaboration through borders: the quest for the American Eel
Gabriela Ulmo-Díaz1, Augustin Engman2, Bill McLarney3, Carlos A. Lasso Alcalá4, Dean Hendrickson5, Etienne Bezault6, Eric Feunteun7, Fernando L. Prats-Léon8, Jose Benchetrit9, Jean Wiener10, Robert Maxwell11, Ryan Mohammed12, Thomas Kwak13, Louis Bernatchez1
1Department of biology, Institut de biologie intégrative et des systèmes, Université Laval, Québec (Québec), Canada
2Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, University of Tennessee
3Asociacion ANAI, Apdo. 170-2070 Sabanilla de Montes de Oca, Costa Rica
4Programa Ciencias Básicas de la Biodiversidad, Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos, Alexander von Humboldt, Colombia
5Department of Integrative Biology, Biodiversity Center, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA
6Lab. BOREA (CNRS,MNHN,UPMC,IRD,UCN,UA) Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Station Marine de Dinard, CRESCO, France.
7Lab. BOREA (CNRS,MNHN,UPMC,IRD,UCN,UA) Université des Antilles Campus de Fouillole, Guadeloupe, French West Indies / France
8Laboratorio de parasitología, Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras. Playa, La Habana, Cuba.
9Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Kent, Ontario, Canada
10Fondation pour la Protection de la Biodiversité Marine (FoProBiM) – Haiti
11Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Inland Fisheries Section, 1213 N. Lakeshore Dr. Lake Charles, LA, USA 70647
12The University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago & Environmental Research Institute Charlotteville (ERIC), Tobago.
13U.S. Geological Survey North Carolina, Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Applied Ecology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
Fishery of the Balsas River Catfish (Ictalurus balsanus) in the Amacuzac River, Mexico
Humberto Mejía Mojica1*, Topiltzin Contreras-MacBeath1*, Gabriela Beltrán López1, Janet González Montes de Oca2, Manuel Rivas González3 and Mara Erika Paredes Lira1
1Laboratorio de Ictiología, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexico
2 Maestría en Manejo de Recursos Naturales, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexico
3 Escuela de Estudios Superiores del Jicarero, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexico
Fish Community Structure and Composition in the Moderately Urbanized Amacuzac River, South Central Mexico
Gabriel Cordero* and Norman Mercado Silva*, Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Conservación, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexico
Mexican Fisheries: Their Management and Administration to Regulate Impacts of Fishing Activities on Fish Habitat
Dr. Felipe Amezcua Martinez*, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mazatlan, Mexico
Funcionamiento del Servicio Estadístico Pesquero Colombiano (SEPEC)
Dr. Luis María Manjarrés Martínez*, Grupo de Investigación en Evaluación y Ecología Pesquera (GIEEP), Universidad del Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia
Fisheries Resource Issues Ex-ante and Ex-post Studies Cases from Environmental Licenses in Colombia (HidroItuango Dam and Pacific Coast, Colombia)
Diego Castro1*, Silvia Vanegas1*,Yolanda Casallas Abril1*, and John Galvez2
1Autoridad Nacional de Licencias Ambientales (ANLA), Economic Bureau, National Environment Agency, Colombia
2 Peninsular Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (FWCO), U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Ecology of Microplastic Contamination in Estuarine Fish Community
Dr. Mario Barletta*, Costeiros e Estuarinos (LEGECE), Departamento de Oceanografia (DOCEAN), Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Pernambuco, Brasil
Wednesday, September 23: Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS)
Registration for this session is open for members for any CASS society: Click here. Access instructions will be emailed to you.
Virtual Annual Meeting registered attendees: Click here to access the event page and add this event to your schedule (click the plus sign). A link to access the session will be visible to registered attendees on the event page shortly before the session begins.
Twitter hashtag: #AFS_CASSDay
Slack channel: #theme_day_sep23_cass
The American Fisheries Society is offering a free pass on September 23 for a special event at its 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting focused on the exciting collaboration of the Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS). Hear from society leadership as they envision the future our professional societies in a changing world, focusing on diversity and influencing policymaking with the best available science. Learn more about the societies’ collaboration on Clean Water Act policy, highlighting our work to influence the Supreme Court victory in the Maui groundwater case and efforts to champion a science based definition of “Waters of the U.S.” Finally, join us for the launch of the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting scheduled for May 16–20, 2022 in Grand Rapids, Michigan where scientists, engineers, students, educators, policy makers and other stakeholders from across the aquatic sciences will share science, network, and collaborate. Register here for your pass!
1:00-1:05 pm EDT Opening remarks
1:05-2:00 pm President’s Panel: Hear from society leaders about the relevance of scientific societies in a changing world. Panelists will discuss the role of CASS and aquatic science societies in increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in our disciplines, and in translating science to policy and management as we look to the future.
2:00:-2:05 pm AFS Fellows Award presentations
2:05-2:10 pm Launch of Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting: May 16-20, 2022, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2:10-3:00 pm Policy Panel: Learn more about the societies’ collaboration on Clean Water Act policy, highlighting our work to influence the Supreme Court victory in the Maui groundwater case and efforts to champion a science based definition of “Waters of the U.S.”
Thursday, September 24: Canadian Fisheries
[su_button url=”https://afs.confex.com/afs/2020/meetingapp.cgi/Session/9668″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#145593″ color=”#ffffff” size=”10″ center=”yes”]Event page[/su_button][su_spacer]
Registered attendees: See the event page to add this your to schedule (click the plus sign).
This event is open to all – the link to join the live session will be posted on the event page shortly before the event begins.
Twitter hashtag: #AFS_CanadaDay
Slack channel: #theme_day_sep24_canada
- Introduction and welcome
- AFS Award of Excellence presentation to Villy Christensen, University of British Columbia
- Villy Christensen acceptance speech
- Keynote 1: Andrea Reid, “Indigenous Fisheries: Past, Present and Future”
- Q&A
- Keynote 2: Rowshyra A. Castañeda, “A Brief History of Fisheries in Canada”
- Q&A
- Larkin Award presentation
Andrea Reid – Indigenous Fisheries: Past, Present and Future
Dr. Andrea Reid is a citizen of the Nisga’a Nation and an incoming Assistant Professor with the University of British Columbia’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries (starting January 2021). There, she will lead the Indigenous Fisheries Research Unit, working to build a national and international hub for the study and protection of culturally significant fish and fisheries. Her research program adopts highly interdisciplinary and applied approaches to improving our understanding of the complex interrelationships between fish, people and place. Reid’s PhD in Biology (Carleton University ’20) centered on multiple stressor effects on Pacific salmon, using tools and insights from Western and Indigenous sciences in tandem. Reid is a cofounder of Riparia, a Canadian charity that connects diverse young women with science on the water to grow the next generation of water protectors. She is also a National Geographic Explorer (Grantee ’12,’15,’16,’19) and a Fellow of The Explorers Club (FI’19). Twitter: @andreajanereid.
Rowshyra A. Castañeda – A Brief History of Fisheries in Canada
Rowshyra is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences at Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). She completed her BSc in Biology at McGill University (2010), where participated in two field semesters abroad, in Panama and in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda), to attain a minor in Field Studies. She completed an MSc supervised by Prof. Anthony Ricciardi at McGill University (2013). Her Master’s research was focused on the population dynamics of an invasive bivalve, Asian clam, that was limited to a thermal plume created by a nuclear power plant. She then worked as a lab manager for the Ricciardi Lab for a year and completed a project on microplastics population in the St. Lawrence River. She went on to complete her Ph.D. at the University of Toronto and University of Toronto Scarborough with Prof. Nicholas Mandrak (November 2019). She was co-supervised by Prof. Olaf Weyl at the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB), where she was affiliated and spent two semesters. Rowshyra’s research was focused on developing the use of underwater cameras to detect and quantify rare freshwater fishes (imperiled and early invaders). She did her field work in waterbodies in Ontario, Canada and in multiple provinces in South Africa. Her current research is focused on threats and recovery of imperiled freshwater fishes and the ecology and impacts of invasive freshwater fishes and invertebrates. She is an Associate Editor for the journal Biological Invasions. Aside from research, Rowshyra is passionate about creating inclusive and diverse spaces and has volunteered on several committees and for non-profit organizations that promote and take action on increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion in STEM. Twitter: @rowshyra.